

The residency  at Weld is aimed at a deepening of process work and the development of collaborative projects. A number of choreographers are in residency at Weld out through the year. Mainly it is our associated artists that we co-produce and follow for a longer time that are provided a longer time in the studio.  If time allows we can offer our studio facilities for choreographers wishing to conduct research – for a limited period – into forthcoming projects. If you are interested send us a projectdescription.

Weld arranges public events on a continuous basis and on a wide variety of subjects of interest to us. We do presentations of processes and projects, discussions, talks, screenings, workshops, festivals and closed seminaries. Please read more in our archive.

Welds Nordic residency program 2008-2014


Weld, Norrtullsgatan 7 (tube Odenplan) 11329 Stockholm, info[at]