Almost out of sight, April 1-20

ALMOST OUT OF SIGHT, April 1-20, 2011               

Almost out of sight is a festival offering a frame to a range of performances and artistic events grouped for their similarities that, if not visibly, manifest themselves thematically. In recent years a number of choreographies and art projects has placed an emphasis on sensory perception, presence and sensation. Participation, sight and gaze are questioned and a new kind of spectatorship activated. Almost out of sight originates form single artistic events that in various ways confront these questions. All events take place in darkness or in rooms with shortened sight and opens up to a new sort of sensibility. Weld has since 2007 worked with artists that make work in visual darkness and want to accentuate and shed light on the phenomenon. How come these art events are created right now? In what way can we activate and revalue our senses?

For detailed programme, tickets and more about the artists please see below.

Almost out of sight takes a starting point in the following choreographies: The Solo preview by Manuel Pelmus (ROM), Weld far out west by and with Ingrid Cogne, Sybrig Dokter, Anna Koch and Rasmus West (SE), Undertone by Sidney Leoni (FR/SE) and My Voice by Lundahl & Seitl (SE/GB).

Further programming illuminating the theme from different perspectives: Author and writer Maria Zennström contributes with a text inspired by the title Almost out of sight, published here and in the festival folder. Anna Linder curates a filmart programme touching on topics of utopia and alienation. Artist Daniel Johansson is interested in sound, light, chaos, natural processes and flows. His installation 3000 000 000 heartbeats is created for one of Welds rooms. Eka Papinashvilis is an artist working with horizontal participation and undefinable images and soundworlds. On the first festival weekend, Sunday April 3, Weld invites for a talk in darkness with invited guests and artists.

Earth Hour, a global manifestation proposing to turn off the lights for one hour yearly, is the symbolic  beginning of the festival Almost out of sight, this year on March 26th.


Warm welcome whishes Weld



1 april kl 19.00
Weld far out west, by Ingrid Cogne, Sybrig Dokter, Anna Koch and Rasmus West, (SE) Stockholm premiere (also 14+15 april 21.30)
1 april kl 20.00

3 000 000 000 heartbeats, by Daniel Johansson, opening
1 april kl 21.30

Horizontal perception, by Eka Papinashvili (GE), audio- and artpiece
2 april kl 11.00-18.00

My Voice Shall Now Come From the Other Side of the Room, by Lundahl & Seitl, Swedish premiere SOLD OUT
3 april kl 11.00-18.00
My Voice Shall Now Come From the Other Side of the Room, by Lundahl & Seitl, Swedish premiere SOLD OUT
3 april kl 18.00

Talk in darkness, with invited guests and participating artists
7 april kl 19.00

preview, by Manuel Pelmus (RO), Stockholm premiere
7 april kl 20.30 (after the performnace preview)
Lecture by Manuel Pelmus
9 april kl 20.00

preview, by Manuel Pelmus (RO), Stockholm premiere
14 april kl 21.30

Weld far out west, by Ingrid Cogne, Sybrig Dokter, Anna Koch and Rasmus West
15 april kl 21.30
Weld far out west, by Ingrid Cogne, Sybrig Dokter, Anna Koch and Rasmus West
17 april kl 19.00 and 21.00
Undertone, by Sidney Leoni (FR), premiere
18 april kl 19.00
Undertone, by Sidney Leoni (FR), premiere
20 april kl 20.30

Artfilm programme, curated by Anna Linder.


Book tickets via email
Festivalcard = 250 kr. (40% reduction, entrance to the whole festival, except My Voice)
Please specify your choice so we can see if there are tickets left.

My Voice = 120 kr (book via email)
Single ticket = 120/80/60/20 kr (Regular/Reduced/Special/Talk).



April 1, 19.00, Weld far out west, Stockholm premiere (also on April 14+15, 21.30)
Weld far out west, with and by Ingrid Cogne, Sybrig Dokter, Anna Koch and Rasmus West. Choreography that can be heard, sensed and seen as a soft provocation. Weld far out west builds upon physical practice edited through choreographic composition inviting the audience on a journey in concentrated fog. Development of Welds participation in Göteborg Dans & Teater Festival 2010. 120/80kr

April 1 april kl 20.00, 3000 000 000 heartbeats, opening
Daniel Johanssons installation 3000 000 000 heartbeats is created specially for one of Welds rooms. Open with the festivals program, for private viewing please contact Weld. 

April 1, 21.30, Horizontal perception, audio- and artpiece
Eka Papinashvili is a sound- and visualartist from Georgia working with electronic dark ambient music, photography and video. Eka creates an experience at Weld in which the audience meets sound and undefined visuals in horizontal spectatorship. 60kr 

April 2 + 3, 11.00-18.00 , My Voice, Swedish premiere
My Voice is Lundahl & Seitls debut work from 2007. When blindfolded, a single visitor follows instructions from a voice through headphones, synchronised with the touch and gestures of unseen performers in their space. (15 minutes, mulltiple performances per day, 1 performer/visitor at a time.) NOTE: Limited tickets, book on first come, first serve via email 120kr

April 3, 18.00, Talk in darkness – a public discussion about the festival theme.
Invited guests and participating artists. 20kr

April 7, 19.00 + April 9, 20.00, preview, Stockholm premiere
Romanian guest performance by choreographer and dancer Manuel Pelmus with the solo preview (2007). In preview the sight is put aside in favour of hearing and inner imaginations. After its world premiere the solo was chosen as performance of the year by the magazine Ballet Tanz. A cooperation with Romanian Cultural Institute. 120/80kr April 4-6 Manuel Pelmus will also offer a workshop for dancers and choreographers at Weld.

April 7, 20.30 Lecture by Manuel Pelmus  (after the performnace)

April 14 + 15, 21.30, Weld far out west, see information above.

April 17, 19.00 and 21.00 + April 18, 19.00, Undertone, premiere
French choreographer Sidney Leoni is back with his internationally touring performance. Undertone propose different ways of experiencing choreography through sound, temperature, scent and temporary scenography. Personal experience becomes the main material as the camera shifts our focus away from the usual way of watching composition. 120/80kr

April 20, 20.30, Artfilm programme
Almost out of sight ends with a program of filmart by the curator Anna Linder with thematical reference to the festival. Programme: Sara Preibsch – White Shoe Station, Maja Borg – Ottiva Zero, Jonathan Lewald – Mormors Öga (Grandmother’s Eye), High Heel Sisters – Scream and Jannicke Låker – Per, 3:30 – 7.30 noen gang i mars 1998. 60kr


Weld is an experimental platform for dance and art
Weld is located at Norrtullsgatan 7 in Stockholm, Sweden. Subway-stop Odenplan (green line number 17)


Translation: Kristina Lindemann and Moa Hanssen