Dec 17 – 19. Weld Company 2014 + Julian Weber (DE)

With background as a sculptor, the German choreographer Julian Weber is interested in working with bodies and material on stage. In his former pieces he has explored different kinds of interaction between objects and bodies, confronting the constancy of the material with the elusiveness of the dance.

Choreography: Julian Weber
Lights: Ronald Hessman
Costume: Erik Annerborn
Costume Assistant: Celeste Cambaza
Dance: Anna Westberg, Elias Girod, Per Sacklén, Caroline Byström, Pavle Heidler and Josefine Larson Olin.

In his work with the Company, Weber will use the frame “No Talking, No Props” as an opportunity to deepen his physical research, through an understanding of the body as material and confronting this body with the architecture of the space that the process  is moving in. Together, they work with images, forces and bodies produced by natural disasters. The destruction and violence of nature forces also hold a fascination and beauty. During the process the byproducts of constructing an image, like the practicality and logistics of building a scenery of disaster are taken into account and emancipate into independent elements of the dance.

Weld Company 2014 is: Anna Westberg, Elias Girod (FI), Per Sacklén, Caroline Byström, Pavle Heidler (HR) and Josefine Larson Olin.

studied art in Braunschweig and Vienna, with a focus on sculpture and installation. 2010-2013 he studied choreography at HZT in Berlin. 2012 he was artist in residence in Stadtmühle Willisau , Switzerland, where he created the solo exhibition "verwirrtes Land”". His works Gepresste Hände erzeugen Druck appeared on Sophiensäle during Tanztage 2013. Besides working at Weld with Weld Company in 2014, he currently works on a larger group piece. He is also a dancer in Meg Stuart's production Sketches / Notebooks (2013).

Weld Company – initiated by Weld 2013 – is aiming to rediscover and revaluate the format of the Dance Company and is updating the Company through a collective work conducted by one of  Weld clearly given structure. Dancers and choreographers from different backgrounds share a common, daily and physical practice and raise questions on dance and choreography today.

Every year, new company members are invited at the same time last years company proceeds to exist.

An important ambition is to thoroughly document, discuss and present issues, processes, conclusions and results that comes along the way. Through public performances, talks etc. But also on the company blog

Every year as a complementary extension of the project, a book is also published. The first edition with the title ”No Talking, No Props” was released October 24 and can be purchased at Weld.

Produced by Weld.
Supported by Swedish Arts Council, City of Stockholm and Stockholm County Council.