The Exhibited by Anna Ådahl, May 10-11
A continuous performance/installation that takes place during two days with four participants.
Participants: Rebecca Chentinell, Sybrig Dokter, Love Källman, Andrea Svensson
Throughout history, man has been the subject of exhibition; exotified, objectified and celebrated.
But has man been exhibited as such? Reduced to the lowest common denominator, stripped of all qualities, without being naked; acting, without choreography nor script?
At the same time, we exhibit ourselves and others in the virtual sphere, mediated and photographed, conscious of the look that judges, limits but also renders possible the image we give of ourselves. However, even the presence of gestures, movements and encounters cannot escape the distanciation that any relation to oneself demands. Can the continuous creation of oneself be considered as work?
What occurs in the coexistence of the exhibited man and the man at work?
Does the artwork emerge through the presence of the participants and the encounter with the spectator? What would be the effect of a work of art that only exists through its own manifestation?
Special thank´s to: Erik Bryngelsson, Henrik Eriksson, Christian Ling.
Co-produced by Weld