The Scale, Sept 3+4
The Scale-
a duet by and with Josefine Larson Olin (SE) and Igor Koruga (SRB)
The Scale is a duet that proposes a choreographic realm that shifts between activity and passivity, through ideas about bodily fluids and flow of energies in relation to dance practices. The piece exposes the need to question the levels of these activities.
To accept this flow we need a context we can agree with. Therefore we invite you to join us for some tea and bisquits, beautiful plants and sunsets, and encourage you to write a review, do some yoga or take a nap.
With and by: Josefine Larson Olin and Igor Koruga
Dramaturgical support: Tova Gerge
Supported by: The Swedish Arts Grant Committee, European Cultural Foundation – STEP Beyond Grant and Weld.
Igor Koruga (SRB) is a dancer and author from Belgrade. He has been educated within various artistic programmes and also collaborated with dance artists in Serbia and abroad In 2009 he was a recepient of two dance shcolarships: Nomad dance academy and danceWEB. Igor graduated socio-cultural Anthropology at University of Belgrade. Currantly he’s a student at MA programme Solo/Dance/Autorship (SODA) at University of Arts and Inter-university Dance Centre in Berlin, Germany.
Josefine Larson Olin (SE) is educated at Balettakademien in Stockholm and works as dance artist. She has been collaborating with choreographers and artists in Sweden and internationally since 2009, among others Anna Koch and Tove Sahlin. She is active within Bermudatriangeln, an international choreographic platform. Josefine was awarded the danceWEB and Anders Sandrews scholarships in 2009.