24 april: CRINGE – en kväll med dysfunktionell komik

Konstnären Olav Westphalen och curatorn Lívía Páldi bjuder in till ett helkvällsprogram på Weld med filmvisningar, performances och samtal som för samman konstnärer, komiker och tänkare som är intresserade av komikens metoder, utan att primärt syfta till att roa.

“Vi är intresserade av dåliga skämt, skämt på fel plats och vid fel tidpunkt. Skämt som går för långt eller för kort. Skämt som – eftersom vi inte tycker de är roliga – kräver att vi tänker på mening och verklighet på mer intressanta sätt.”

CRINGE kommer kännas som en varitéföreställning eller en festkväll på kabarén eller kanske, snarare, mer som att vara fast hos din mest avskydda faster och farbror på en söndagseftermiddag, dricka för mycket varm choklad, äta för många torra kakor enbart för att kunna undvika att säga något samtidigt som du ser hundratals semesterbilder på deras iPad. (iPaden har ett graverat fejk- Louis Vuitton-skal av plast.)

Medverkande konstnärer / performers / talare:
Sally O’Reilly, konstnär (UK)
Roee Rosen, konstnär (IL)
Aron Flam, komiker (SE)
Joanna Rytel (SE/DE)
Rattelschneck/Benjamin Schiffner, serietecknare och författare (DE
Andreas Fagerskiöld (SE)
Olav Westphalen, konstnär (DE/US)
Lívía Páldi, curator (HU)

Med flera…

CRINGE är organiserat av Olav Westphalen (konstnär och professor vid Kungliga Konsthögskolan) och Lívía Páldi (Curator vid Baltic Arts Center). Kvällen är en del av “Normalcy” programmet vid KKH och en samproduktion av KKH, BAC, the Intitute of Crypto Comedy and Humor och Weld. “Normalcy” är ett två veckor långt öppet program med samtal, workshops, föreläsningar, film, performance och konst, den 14-27 april 2014.

Läs mer om programmet här

is a 28 year old Swedish performance artist. He also paints and writes. He is famous for many things. For example when he spoke to the ants in the forest, telling them: “I am your king”.

Is a Swedish born comedian, political satirist, and writer. As a stand-up comedian, Aron has won multiple awards for shouting random dick jokes at strangers all over Scandinavia, Britain, and the Baltic states. Aron’s themes are stupidity, hypocrisy, the nature of reality, and chaos. It generally comes out in the analysis of faeces and power – and the introduction between the two – in which Aron sees himself as a sort of matchmaker.

Sex, abortion, racism – Joanna Rytel explores the most taboo-laden areas in society. Sex, gender, feminism, honor, abortion and racism: Joanna Rytel explores some of the most controversial topics of today. Rytel creates situations of an almost childishly provocative nature: she depicts sex workers at art shows, strips for animals, has birthday
parties for aborted fetuses; a distressing method without no safety net.

is a curator and currently director of BAC – Baltic Art Center, Visby, Sweden. She was previously the chief curator of the Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest between 2007 and 2011, where she organised talks, discussions, and numerous exhibitions, including Other Voices, Other Rooms—Attempt(s) at Reconstruction: 50 Years of the Balázs Béla Studio (2009); Mircea Cantor: Future Gifts (2008);Deimantas Narkevičius: History Continued (2007); !REVOLUTION? (with Ulrike Kremeier, 2007); and Dreamlands Burn – Nordic Art Show 2006 (with Edit Molnár, 2006). Lívia Páldi was co-founder of the Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros (Hungary) and its co-director from 1997 to 1999. She has also edited several exhibition catalogues and was a contributing editor of the East Art Map magazine and book organised by the artist collaborative IRWIN in Ljubljana (2002–2005). She was one of the curatorial agents of dOCUMENTA (13)..

A German cartoonist doing comics and working for television. He has a so-called “bajuwarische Rippe”. Together with Olav Westphalen he is Rattelschneck. They regularly publish cartoons and comics in publications such as Titanic, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine, taz, Elf Freunde etc. and have published numerous books of their comics and cartoons.

is a German-American artist whose conceptual works take the form of games, experiments, drawings and cartoons. He plays both sides of the HI-LO divide, producing mass-media comedy and showing in museums and galleries such as The Whitney Museum, ICA London, The Swiss Institute NY, Moderna Museet etc. He is a member of Rattelschneck, a Cartoon-collective based in Berlin. He is also a Professor at the Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm.

is an Israeli-American artist, filmmaker and writer. He is a professor at Ha’Midrasha Art College, and at the Bezalel Art Academy, Israel. Rosen’s latest film, The Buried Alive Videos, premiered at the Rome Film Festival, 2013, and was awarded a special mention. His latest book, “Maxim Komar-Myshkin’s Vladimir’s Night” is forthcoming at Sternberg Press, 2014.

Writer Sally O’Reilly publishes and distributes text in conventional and expanded forms, from art magazines to performance lectures to opera. Her wildly varying subject matter contributes to an on-going investigation into how knowledge is attained and expressed. She is currently writing The Virtues of Things, an opera that explores essentialism, and Crude, a novel about academia and the oil industry.

Lives in Berlin and writes short texts